> On 28 Sep 2017, at 13:36, J-P Nurmi <jpnu...@qt.io> wrote:
>> On 28 Sep 2017, at 13:07, Tor Arne Vestbø <tor.arne.ves...@qt.io> wrote:
>> On 28/09/2017 13:05, Tor Arne Vestbø wrote:
>>> If we can't have a generic GestureRecognizer type with dynamic recognizer 
>>> behavior based on which handler callback is bound, then it should be 
>>> TapGestureRecognizer, DragGestureRecognizer, etc.
>> Or if we want to follow the existing naming of MouseArea and TouchArea, 
>> perhaps GestureArea, with TapGestureArea, DragGestureArea, etc
> I would prefer attached properties and signals. Similarly to Keys.onPressed. 
> Attaching onTapped from the outside of a component would be similar to 
> overriding an event handler in C++. There would be a single attached object 
> instance with multiple signal handlers. They objects would not be piling up 
> like FooAreas and BarHandlers do.

We’ve had that discussion a couple of times already, so I’ll start by repeating 
what I said then (more or less).  (I did like the idea to begin with, until I 
saw the problem with it.)

If the only way is to use attached objects, it would mean one Item can’t have 
two instances of the same attached object (as André also pointed out).  If you 
declare discrete handlers though, then you can declare event-filtering 
conditions too: this handler reacts only to right mouse button, this one reacts 
only to left button while Control is held down (and does something completely 
different), this one reacts only if the device is a touchscreen, etc.  Being 
able to have multiple instances per Item gives you more degrees of freedom.  If 
you limit yourself to a single Javascript callback per Item, then you are 
forced to write more logic (testing various conditions and deciding what to do 
about them) in Javascript.

And in fact, Keys.onPressed has exactly that problem, too: if your use case is 
any more complex than just passing text input to some other slot/invokable, 
your JS is probably messy.  Shortcuts are much nicer to detect single key 
combinations, in that you can declare a separate instance for each command 
which needs a shortcut, instead of needing a big switch (and also worrying 
about which item has focus, but that’s a different problem).  Now you can say, 
well there are also a lot more signals like Keys.onEnterPressed, and so on; but 
not all of the keys of the keyboard are there.  (Why not?)  And again, 
onAPressed (let’s say you want to detect control-A) wouldn’t be a one-liner 
anyway, even if the signal existed.

Syntactically I think the handler use cases so far are looking OK.  Sometimes 
the declaration is a one-liner; and when it’s not, at least it’s more 
declarative than the equivalent attached-object-javascript would be.  (Look in 

But I think attached objects could be a supplemental way of using handlers or 
modifying existing handlers’ behavior, somehow.  I’ve got a little prototype of 
one variety of that, but it doesn’t do much yet.  I was thinking it would be an 
aggregator, able to find and expose all the handler instances within one Item 
and its children, so that you can manipulate them outside the context of their 
declaration; and that it would also aggregate common state like pressed and 
hovered, and tell you which of those handlers is active.

Can we do that and also go to the next step of using the attached property on 
its own?  That seems harder, without duplicating code.  Maybe it would have to 
create the appropriate handler for you.  But Controls 2 has a related problem: 
how to reuse logic from Handlers without needing to make instances.  Controls 2 
has the policy of creating as few objects as possible, to save memory and 
improve the startup time.  I just have a vague idea of putting the logic into 
static methods or some such, but haven’t really tried to think about specific 
API for that.  It’s hard to do without instances, because each handler needs to 
remember some state.  And if this was a C framework, that would be _your_ 
problem: hold onto a struct which holds the state, and pass that into each 
function which you need to use.  Maybe we could do something similar.  Before 
we can offer public C++ API, we need to make PIMPLs anyway; so we can try to 
make the private classes usable on their own, so that Controls can use them.  
But that’s just a vague idea.

Another thing we could try is to have some sort of global object per device, so 
you can query or bind to the mouse position and button state, and track all the 
touchpoints, without depending on event propagation to Items within the scene.  
This is an easy starting point for young frameworks, but we don’t have it in 
QtQuick for some reason.  For example, at some point Qt 3D didn’t have any 
concept of delivering mouse events to objects (and I didn’t check whether it 
does now), because that’s harder in 3D.  So I get the impression that in most 
3D scene graphs you have to be more explicit: when the mouse moves, or is 
pressed, you invoke some sort of picker to find out which object was pressed; 
the event doesn’t get delivered to scene objects by itself.  It’s more DIY, so 
maybe it’s more cumbersome, or leaves you more in control, depending on how you 
look at it.  (But I haven’t used enough 3D frameworks, so I don’t know the 
proportion which do it that way.)  Anyway knowing where the mouse is and which 
buttons are pressed would be easier (if that’s all you want to know) if it’s 
exposed on some sort of singleton or Window-attached property.  Imagine writing 
a 2D CAD system where you want to keep a label updated with the current cursor 
coordinates (and maybe draw crosshairs, and show hover feedback related to 
nearby items in the scene): that’s a little hard in QtQuick.  You can try to 
use hover events; but hover propagation is expensive, and because of that, 
somebody decided to optimize by not propagating it too far.  But the entry 
point is QQuickWindow, so it shouldn’t be that hard to keep track of global 
state per device.  But if you have multiple devices, it’s not so convenient to 
watch all of them in QML.  We pretend there is only one mouse, but that might 
be wrong; and we’re probably not going to pretend there is only one touch 

The global-state-monitoring idea sounds similar to QObject event filtering… but 
we don’t have a generic way to do that in QML, only in C++.  When the reason 
you say “I want attached properties” is because you want to override behavior, 
maybe something like that would give you another way to override it: accept the 
event early, before it gets delivered to the items.  (But it feels hacky.)  
It’s analogous to the way that keystrokes which are bound to shortcuts don’t 
get delivered to items.

The difference between most gesture frameworks and QtQuick is that we detect 
gestures in a distributed fashion. For example detecting a pinch really only 
requires monitoring the touchpoints on the whole screen (or within the whole 
window) to see if it looks like the user is making that gesture.  But because 
Qt Quick is oriented towards delivery of the original device events to items 
rather than handling them on the whole window, we detect the gesture within the 
context of one item instead.  Maybe that’s less efficient.  It’s not something 
I’ve tried to change, anyway.  But when the OS provides native gestures, they 
take a different path.  First the gesture was recognized, and then we try to 
deliver the whole gesture.  We could have tried to make it always work that 
way. But sometimes Items need the individual touchpoints anyway, and you can’t 
quite have global gesture recognition and touch delivery at the same time, 
because one invalidates the other.  Which is why macOS makes you choose ahead 
of time; and on some other systems there has to be a recall mechanism so the 
recognizer can recall touch events that were already sent and treat them as 
part of a gesture; or a delay so that the recognizer can decide whether the 
touches are part of a gesture or not, before they are sent.  All three of those 
have problems.  The nice thing about saying that we always deliver touch is 
that we didn’t have to make that choice.  That was true only until 
QNativeGestureEvent was added.  But the more we try to make use of gestures 
provided by the various platforms, the more we will be forced to depend on that 
style of delivery, and eventually touchpoint delivery might be relatively rare. 
 So maybe we should have already been planning on that.  It might have been 
enough to deal with the mouse and with touchpoints only on a per-window basis, 
but not deliver them; and rather deliver gestures to all the items.

But with all the demands for backwards compatibility, we are stuck anyway.  We 
started by delivering mouse events, not mouse gestures, therefore we must 
always and forevermore continue to do that.  Then we added touch delivery, so 
we can never remove it.  With such constraints, big ideas are next to 
impossible.  At some point, progress cannot be made without behavior changes.  
So most of the above is at best irrelevant until QtQuick 3 / Qt 6 (only if we 
are willing to make behavior changes then, and break some existing code!), but 
that’s what we’ve been trying to get ready for, by introducing this stuff.

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