Am 27.01.2020 um 15:34 schrieb Lars Knoll:
Hi all,

The Qt Company has done some adjustments to the Qt will be offered in the 
future. Please check out .

The change consists of three parts.

One is a change in policy regarding the LTS releases, where the LTS part of a 
release is in the future going to be restricted to commercial customers. All 
bug fixes will (as agreed on the Qt Contributor Summit) go into dev first. 
Backporting bug fixes is something that the Qt Company will take care of for 
these LTS branches. We’ve seen over the past that LTS support is something 
mainly required by large companies, and should hopefully help us get some more 
commercial support for developing Qt further.

The second change is that a Qt Account will be in the future required for 
binary packages. Source code will continue to be available as currently. This 
will simplify distribution and integration with the Marketplace. In addition, 
we want open source users to contribute to Qt or the Qt ecosystem. Doing so is 
only possible with a valid Qt Account (Jira, code review and the forums all 
require a Qt Account).

Are you really sure that it is a good idea to raise the entry barrier for trying Qt that much? Personally I only register for software that I am conviced I'll keep using. If it requires such registration directly at download or during installation already it doesn't even get downloaded or installed. Such attitude might seem strange in the times of Android, iOS, Windows 10 S, but keep in mind that your customers aren't the typicial computer illiterated that simply accept any nonsense you do to their privacy, you are targeting computer experts.

BBC Wales just sketched pretty well the rude attitude you are embracing with that change:

Besides both that barrier combined with that change to LTS releases will just teach more people to build and patch Qt from source. Being used to that process, having established that process just largely reduces motivation to pay for Qt.

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