On Wednesday 07 Mar 2012 16:23:49 Nicolas Hernandez wrote:
> Hello Ian,
> We are still looking for the best choice between running in jetty
> a. Accessibility for devs (nice eclipse plugin for example)

Important but not absolutely vital. E.g. a fair bit happens with the current UI 
in spite of it not being very dev friendly.

> b. Accessibility for user

Vitally important but has a lot of meanings. E.g. totally blind people may use 
text readers or audio readers with limited or no javascript; paranoid users may 
turn off javascript; some users would like to be able to build custom themes 
(but this isn't important). More generally, users want the UI to be obvious, 
logical, responsive and pretty, in more or less that order: If it's easy to 
find what you are trying to do, it's a better UI than if it looks great but is 
completely incomprehensible, so the key thing is actually the design *from a 
usability point of view* i.e. have people thought about how the user will 
actually use it? This is mostly independant of toolkit (e.g. too much text = 
confusion; too little text = confusion). On the other hand, responding quickly 
and obviously to what the user is doing can help a lot, and this does ideally 
need javascript. And a few parts of the UI are just vastly better with 
javascript - notably stuff to do with chat, compare gmail to phpbb (Freetalk is 
much more like phpbb).

Also, some stuff is clearly controller side - a classic Freenet bug, fixed 
recently, is that when you ask Freenet to load a plugin, the browser would go 
off into limbo for minutes or more, rather than immediately returning to the 
plugins page showing that it is trying to load the plugin.

The web-pushing branch originally included code to use javascript and 
long-polling to auto-update a lot of the UI. This was never put back because of 
the bugs in the GWT web-pushing code, but for some elements it is useful, e.g. 
alerts, status pages etc.

> c. Light weight

Important. We don't want to have to add 20MB to the 10MB download just for the 
UI framework.

> d. Performance

Very important IMHO.
> In our side the priority are like that a>b>d>c (+eclipse plugin)
> Four some freenet devs it loks like c>d>a>b (+velocity for templating)

I guess I'd say B D C A for me?
> Not so easy to make the good choice. We have three mains ideas
> A- using Apache Wickets http://wicket.apache.org/
> B- gwt
> C- struts+extjs
> *D- .... freenet devs ideas*

I'm afraid I don't have detailed knowledge of frameworks ...
> This frameworks have to;
> 1. be active and old enough
> 2. including web n.m fionctionnalities
> 3. replace the Toad controller :-)
> 4. using jetty
> 5. be fully toolled for Eclipse
6. Ideally it should be possible to fall back to non-javascript, without 
actually having two complete UIs except where it is absolutely vital (IMHO 
maintaining two separate UIs would result in one of them being unmaintained in 
the long run and cause problems, as well as causing more work when we change 
7. Ideally it should be possible to implement live updating using long-polling 
or similar, like the web-pushing branch, and without using one connection per 
window/tab. This is not needed immediately but it should be possible. It's not 
vital though, as we can use the existing GWT code if necessary.
> We hope to have freenet devs ideas on it before starting anything :-)
> Rgds
> - Nicolas Hernandez
> a-n - aleph-networks
> *associƩ*
> http://www.aleph-networks.com

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