On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Matthew Toseland <mj...@cam.ac.uk> wrote:
> > But regardless, nothing in the process I've outlined would inhibit
> > correcting problems like this.  Ideally they'd be corrected at the code
> > review stage, but if they make it past that then they can be corrected
> with
> > a new branch, just like any other bugfix.
> No, they can't.
> Removing binaries (or worse, copyright-infringing files) requires
> rewriting the history.

Why would removing a binary require rewriting the history, and why would
anyone commit a copyright-infringing file?

In my years of using Github I have never ever been in a situation that
necessitated rewriting history.

The possibility that someone might do something really dumb and easily
avoidable should not dictate our code review policy.

>>>> 2. Disruptive changes to APIs.
> >> This has also happened. Especially if the description is incomplete,
> >> there is a significant risk of refactoring breaking other code (e.g.
> >> plugins; this was part of the problem with Xor's changes), introducing
> >> new APIs that don't make sense etc.
> > Both code review and a decent continuous integration system should
> address
> > this.  This is a good continuous integration service that is free for OSS
> > projects: https://travis-ci.org/  You can see how I use it on this other
> > OSS project of mine: http://quickml.org/
> Not all problems can be detected by automated tools.
> Sometimes it is necessary to change classes that are used by plugins,
> and some of those plugins are unofficial, i.e. third party.

Yes, just like any other software project.  What would make us any
different, and why would that necessitate deviating from the process I've
proposed (which is pretty-much standard practice among well-run dev teams
already)?  I'm not sure I understand your point.

> > That seems very unlikely to happen, we barely have budget for actual
> > developers, let alone dedicated QA people.  And really, who'd want that
> job
> > anyway?
> >
> > Even setting aside budget and finding suitable people, coders should have
> > primary responsibility for ensuring that their code is good.  It's
> > unhealthy to have a situation where coders think that ensuring their code
> > is clean and robust is someone else's problem.
> That is precisely how every mature project works. Just because neither
> your business ventures nor your involvement in open source are mature
> doesn't mean there aren't projects out there - both open source (Linux,
> Wine) and businesses (Steve's employer, presumably Google, etc) - which
> care about code quality.

Wow.  Why would you say something so stupid in a forum where future
employers could potentially see it?

You forget that I've seen your code, it wouldn't come anywhere close to
passing a code review by even the least experienced developer on my
company's engineering team, so please don't presume to lecture me about
code quality, or how mature software projects work.

I really hope they teach you how to be less of an asshole during your
computer science course, or you'll have a very hard time getting or keeping
a job, either commercial or in academia.  Your previous paragraph would be
a firing offense at most companies.  Professional engineering teams simply
don't tolerate asshole behavior any more.


Ian Clarke
Founder, The Freenet Project
Email: i...@freenetproject.org
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