On Tue, 2015-10-13 at 22:26 +0200, Bert Massop wrote:
> On 10-10-15 21:01, nextg...@freenetproject.org wrote:
> > Oi!
> > 
> > Given https://github.com/freenet/fred/blob/next/src/freenet/node/Pe
> > erManager.java#L1049
> > 
> > We seem to get our peers location and their peer's location...
> > Iterate over the whole lot (150^2 entries max)
> > ...
> > And then for each of them, ensure that they haven't been routed to
> > before by iterating over a list of locations we've already routed
> > to (18 is the max HTL)
> > ...
> > That's 18*150^2 => 405k iterations in the worst case ... on the
> > hot-path (each request we route will go through it)!
> Nice find!
> One more thing: you forgot the recentlyFailed case, where it recurses
> twice (line 1173 and 1183), leading to a total of 1.2M iterations
> worst
> case (however this case is extremely unlikely to occur).
> > It seems very naive.
> > 
> > How can we do better? Locations are double, what's the best data-
> > structure here?
> > I'm rusty: is a TreeMap with a custom comparator (NavigableMap)
> > what we want?
> At least keeping FOAF peers locations sorted would allow for binary
> search, i.e. O(log n) instead of O(n) search, at the cost of an
> initial
> O(n log n) sort. That would however require reworking
> PeerNode.getPeersLocation() to return (and maintain) a sorted array.
> If one would then also keep the routedTo (of size m) sorted by
> location,
> we can find the FOAF (assuming peer count n for ourself and all of
> our
> peers) closest to the target location not in routedTo in O(log n + m)
> time for each of our peers, and when done intelligently, find our
> peer
> with the FOAF closest to the target O(n log n + nm + m log m) for
> *all*
> of our peers. That would bring the iteration count down around 100-
> fold
> from the current situation.
> For any further optimization, the hardest part would be to figure out
> all the corner cases present in the current spaghetti. ☺

That'd work nicely if we weren't doing the operations modulo
Double.MIN_VALUE. Is there any reason why our locations doubles and not



Any objection to that being changed?


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