On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 1:56 PM, <salutarydiacritica...@ruggedinbox.com>

> Freenet users have the reasonable expectation they won't be tracked by a
> corporate third party when visiting  a privacy promoting website.

Firstly, nobody visiting any website on the web should have such an
expectation, that's one of the reasons for creating Freenet in the first
place.  Freenet is on a server that is hosted by a corporate third party,
accessed via network links that are all owned by corporate third parties -
there is no way around it.

Secondly, the purpose of Freenet is to promote freedom of communication.
There is overlap between that goal and the goal of promoting privacy, but
they're not the same thing, and occasionally they conflict, so we should
avoid conflating the two things.

But I agree that if we can get all the functionality we need without using
Google Analytics then we shouldn't use it, but pretending that you have any
privacy from corporate third parties when visiting any website on the web,
including freenetproject.org, is just promoting ignorance.

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