On 10/25/15 23:32, Ximin Luo wrote:

Sorry for taking so long to respond.

> Alright, I've gone and updated debian.git to use up-to-date packaging 
> standards. Hopefully it's more simpler too.

I love the new build process, way simpler and cleaner, Thanks!.

> I've temporarily disabled the GWT requirement. This is easier to maintain 
> than bundling GWT, but in the long run (i.e. to meet Debian policy) we will 
> need to:
> - package GWT for debian again (very hard), or
> - remove the relevant stuff that requires GWT from fred

So are we just checking it out?

> I think gbp-buildpackage is unnecessary at this stage, since freenet changes 
> so often. But if you think it's better, feel free to add a "upstream" branch 
> without the debian/* directory, and maybe even a "pristine-tar" branch.

Ill follow your advice here and work from the current repo, I don't want
to unnecessarily complicate things.

> I went through your work and incorporated some of it, such as fixing https 
> links etc. Here are some more comments:
> - Freenet is heavily integrated with the Java Service Wrapper. If we do add 
> systemd support, it will have to be via the wrapper, and I don't know if 
> upstream are working on that.

I will investigate this.

> - We need to update libbcprov-java in Debian. I think it's much better to do 
> this, than to bundle our own. Updating a Debian package usually not hard, if 
> you read up on the relevant docs beforehand. It is much easier than bundling 
> extra libs in another package.

This is my next mission, I never planned to keep this bundled with
freenet just a quick hack. This needs to be fixed ASAP, this package is
unusable without it. Got a lot of doc's to read...

> - We shouldn't use legacy-29 in the Debian package. Someone should work on 
> dropping legacy-29 from fred, rather than backporting support for it into 
> other products. When built with the master branch of contrib, the debian 
> packaging will use the latest version of everything in Debian, including the 
> wrapper. There should be no version mismatch, since we automatically generate 
> /etc/init.d/freenet-daemon during the build, from the latest version of the 
> wrapper.


Why does the package use fred/build-clean.xml instead of build.xml?

Thanks again,

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