Am Samstag, 14. November 2015, 23:30:38 schrieb xor:
> On Saturday, November 14, 2015 10:37:54 PM Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
> > And from what I saw in 15 minutes of googling, Ian might be liable for
> > negligency for agreeing to this.
> Please provide a source for this; as I cannot imagine any way to come to this 
> conclusion.

As I said, 15 minutes of googling for “501(3) non-profit debt”.

> > That would mean that he would be personally liable for the debt of FPI.
> I hereby proclaim officially that I won't ever request Ian to give me any of 
> his personal money to pay for stuff which I did bill FPI for, not him.

It isn’t relevant what you want, just what the law says. You might be
forced to request the funds if you ever need to request unemployment

> > Given that we cannot predict donations this is something I would not do.
> Well, if this would be too risky for you, maybe be happy that someone else 
> offers to risk his personal fate to do it?

I’s cool that you are willing to take the risk to work for donations
with the meager amount of money available. I could not do that, and
the same is true for many others.

> Sorry if I have to be that passive aggressive, but it is really frustrating 
> to 
> make such offers and only get offense back for them.

I did not reply until you complained in IRC that I did not reply. That
you cling to that option after being told several times to either get
another job or apply for funding. If you have funding to bridge a few
months, you can do so, but you need to keep in mind that this means
that you’ll be burning funds you won’t get back.

That’s what we volunteers do: I won’t ever get back the time I spend
working on Freenet, and the same is true for all others who invest
their personal time into improving Freenet. When there’s no money to
pay you, you can either work on Freenet on a volunteer basis or not
work on Freenet.

> I had expected people to for once step back from their flamewars and be happy 
> that some part of the project can continue to churn out code even if there's 
> no funding temporarily...
> The offense instead is killing me on the inside.

The one who’s aggressive is you. You expect to be paid in money which
does not exist. And you wrote that you do realize that your behavior
is aggressive.

> > Knowing that the first X
> > months of donations would go towards paying debt could also be a
> > pretty strong deterrent for potential donors.
> If having very little money is in fact a deterrent for potential donors

That’s not what I said.

> I'll deal with contacting donors once it has been decided whether fred 1471 
> will be deployed any soon: It contains 6 months of my work which haven't been 
> deployed yet due to a lack of a fred release. It would be fair to give it to 
> people first before asking for more money.

If you want to be fair to people of whom you don’t even know whether
they expect that, keep in mind that you’re being fair on your own

> Another blocker why I didn't contact anyone yet is this:
> Before we put a news entry "we ran out of funds" on the website

This is not “applying for funding”. A call for donations is just one
possible way. The link I sent you is another way — one you should
definitely try ASAP. ASAP as in “you should have already done so a few
weeks ago when I told you in clear words to do it”.

> Of the 19 entries in the fundraising list, we only asked 3, and we only got 1 
> "no". That is nothing.
> And there are potentially *thousands* of donors to ask beyond that list: The 
> NSA scandal for sure has got a lot of people interested in a free Internet.

Someone needs to be doing this. You can’t expect volunteers to do all
that work and then start acting passive-aggressive if it does not work
out. Fundraising is real work.

> Let's please realize that Freenet has been constantly online for over a 
> decade 
> probably, we've got 100% uptime, and people are constantly churning out 
> discussion and code.
> The project is alive.
> No need to give up.

I did not see us giving up. All we did was tell you to face the
reality that no money means no money.

Best wishes,

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