
I just added a pull request for Sharesite 0.2.8.


It allows setting the path explicitly (so you can conveniently use a
nicer title and change the title without changing the site URL) and an
insertHour (the site only gets inserted at that hour which should hide
most activity information). And some bug fixes.

Setting insertHour to -1 yields instant inserts (set for old sites by
default), setting -2 chooses a new random hour and setting anything
between 0 and 23 defines the insertHour directly.

(this is the simplest profile-based insertion I could think of. It
doesn’t cover school holidays and such but does cover masking timezones
and online activity)

Can one of you review these changes? I’d like to get them into the
official plugin as quickly as possible, because they complete the
currently planned featureset.

(also it would be nice if we could activate Sharesite by default, so
every new user can instantly start writing his or her own site: The
screencast¹ I did for that showed that the manual plugin activation is a major
stumbling block at the moment, since the download takes quite some time)

More info about Sharesite is on its Sharesite:,4d1TDqwRr4tYlsubLrQK~c4h0~FtmE-OXCDmFiI8BB4,AQACAAE/Sharesite/-13/

Best wishes,

¹: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3HKyYpbkUY "Screencast: Freenet 1475: From 
0 to Website in under 6 minutes"
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