x...@freenetproject.org writes:

> On Saturday, January 28, 2017 04:57:58 PM Arne Babenhauserheide wrote:
>> PS: Finishing the first iteration of the WoT would normally be among
>>     these two (with estimated 2.8 to 4.1 weeks ~ 2800$ to 4100$), but xor
>>     pulled back his votes on that, so I won’t name it here until the
>>     issue is resolved. That need not block the two tasks named here.
> Also, for future discussions, please explicitly mention it when you're using 
> the results from your custom evaluation algorithm,

I said something along the lines of "with any evaluation method". The
email I wrote about the different methods stated, that the way I used to
aggregate the results was to find a set of results which are top ranked
regardless of the method.

> It's just that the procedure of a "democratic" vote should be clearly 
> predefined and not implicitly changed when stating results.

It wasn’t clearly predefined and what was written was easy to
game. That’s why I implemented several evaluations to find a stable set
of top-ranked elements which does not depend on the evaluation method
and is more resilient against gaming.

Finally: I am somewhat cranky, because I have the impression that you’re
missing the point why I did the different evaluations. But I won’t push
that further. No need to stay cranky, there are more important things to
do. Like deciding on the offers.

Best wishes,
Unpolitisch sein
heißt politisch sein
ohne es zu merken

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