On Thursday, February 23, 2017 06:59:17 PM Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 11:19 AM, x...@freenetproject.org  wrote:
> > What about a stupid, plain old htaccess file?
> Don't know if that will work with our current plan to host on AWS, but
> hopefully there is some equivalent way to remap URLs that we can use.

As limited as my understanding of AWS is, there are two modes of operation:

- the "classic" one where we register our domain elsewhere and do a DNS 
redirect to their web server. We could then point the DNS of only 
wiki.freenetproject.org to the to our proposed other hoster which supports 
And with regards to mail, the MX DNS records can be used to point it to 
something else than Amazon as well.

- nowadays, it seems you can also register the whole domain at AWS. Then 
whether DNS/MX redirects / htaccess / mail work depends on whether Amazon 
specifically allows it. I'm having difficulty in googling that as I don't know 
what the specific product we would be using at AWS is called, there are 
different ones. Can you clarify which one it'd be please?

> > But we need to find a hoster for the mailing lists and mail forwards
> > anyway, and they usually offer that in a bundle with a domain, webspace,
> > email, etc.
> Google Groups?

Their help says that in order to join a group, you need a Google account.

I tried creating a Google account just weeks ago and it is NOT possible 
anymore without validating it by providing a phone number.

That is unfortunately something our privacy-focused users will certainly not 
accept :|

> I'd really like us to use AWS for as much as possible re: hosting.  It has a
> lot of benefits, one of which is powerful multi-user support.

Well I really don't care where we host as long as it provides what we need :)

I'd like to evaluate that for AWS, but as said to be able to do so please tell 
us which package we'd be using. Thanks!

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