On Saturday, 6. June 2009 00:49:42 Ian Clarke wrote:
> Its only a bugtracker.  If they were to suddenly go evil (which they
> have no incentive to do) then it would be an annoyance, but not a
> disaster - we'd just move elsewhere.

When we take a look at the current search for a new solution, I think it would 
be quite a catastrophe. 

It would mean losing all (then) recent bugs and all recent changes to older 

And they could go evil, because someone tells them to - or shut down because 
they support projects which help people avoid censorship. And you know, 
censorship is good, because it helps the children (don't laugh, please, they 
are currently spurting that argumentation around in germany to implement 
effective police-controlled censorship). 

Best wishes, 

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