On Friday, 5. June 2009 21:59:46 Matthew Toseland wrote:
> > I already had that feeling about uservoice, but there I though "oh well,
> > it's not really integral for freenet". But the bugtracker is integral,
> > and relying on a proprietary solution for an integral part of freenet is
> > dangerous.
> Ideologically I agree, however we do need something hosted (mantis is a
> major pain to keep up to date manually and is in php so has security
> issues), and practically speaking MANTIS works but it is probably not the
> most helpful in terms of getting useful work done. We could get free
> hosting for Trac, but it may be tricky to import bugs as Trac doesn't have
> support for dependancies between bugs

What about Bugzilla? 

- http://www.bugzilla.org/about/

It's what Gentoo uses to manage bug reports - and it definitely has enough 
power - it's used to track packages for programs which leads to about 200.000 
bugs or so :) 

-> http://bugs.gentoo.org/report.cgi

Or having a managed server with a standard Linux distribution on it, so 
updates don't hurt anymore? 

I would have little problem with administering a Gentoo server. Do a weekly 
"emerge sync; emerge -uDN world" 
and the system keeps itself up to date. 

Best wishes, 

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   - singing a part of the history of free software -
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