On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Thomas Sachau <tommy at gentoo.org> wrote:

> I dont contribute code as a freenet dev, but i do package it for Gentoo
> linux and from that perspective, i have to strongly vote against gwt.
> That thing is a big beast with many included external libs, often even
> modified ones and a complex build system. I once tried to create a
> package for it, it took me many hours and there was still no good
> result. So unless this has greatly increased or someone else can provide
> a sane package for Gentoo, requiring this framework to build freenet
> would result in freenet being dropped from Gentoo as a package.

I assume this would only be a problem if it was a requirement that the
Java-JavaScript compilation occurs during the Gentoo build process, rather
than just distributing the JavaScript already compiled - right?


Ian Clarke
Personal blog: http://blog.locut.us/
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