On Wednesday 07 Mar 2012 17:18:54 Ian Clarke wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 10:23 AM, Nicolas Hernandez <
> nicolas.hernandez at aleph-networks.com> wrote:
> > In our side the priority are like that a>b>d>c (+eclipse plugin)
> > Four some freenet devs it loks like c>d>a>b (+velocity for templating)
> >
> Unless those freenet devs are willing to build the GUI themselves, I
> recommend that you do not allow them to prevent you from proceeding.
>  Someone willing to make things happen should not be prevented from doing
> so by someone with an opinion, but who isn't willing to do the work.

Even if it means breaking existing code for a large minority of users? (The 
whole no-javascript lobby)?
> Not so easy to make the good choice. We have three mains ideas
> > A- using Apache Wickets http://wicket.apache.org/
> I've used this before (back in 2007), and it's creator, Jonathan Locke, is
> a friend of mine.  It does degrade nicely if there is no JavaScript, but
> does have a significant learning curve.
> > B- gwt
> I have only played with GWT, but I like the idea of it, I like the fact
> that Google is behind it, and my wife has used it on a project and she said
> that she'd be very happy to use it again.

We have some GWT code in Freenet for web-pushing (live updating of image 
loading etc). It's buggy, but that's probably not GWT's fault. I'm not wedded 
to it; it's turned off by default due to the bugs; but using GWT in its full 
capabilities would certainly prevent us from having a no-javascript option.
> > C- struts+extjs
> I know very little about this.
> > We hope to have freenet devs ideas on it before starting anything :-)
> Yes, but please don't let one stubborn person prevent you from making
> progress.  The opinion that really matters is the opinion of the person
> that is willing to do the work.  You should consider their opinions, but
> don't let them block progress.  All other opinions are secondary (including
> mine!), your opinion is what really matters if you are willing to do the
> actual work.

Unless it breaks the code for a large number of actively contributing users, 
and therefore costs us HUGELY. Which it will if there is no non-javascript 
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