A quick code search on openhub and github:

* library | openhub | github
* org.w3c.dom | 180k [1] | 1.1m [2]
* jdom 1 | 35k [3] | 112k [4]
* stax | 25k [5] | 127k [6]
* jdom 2 | 2k [7] | | 20k [8]

It seems that jdom2 is not that popular, at least not in the projects
tracked by openhub or hosted on github.

[1] http://code.openhub.net/search?s=%22import%20org.w3c.dom%22
[2] https://github.com/search?q="import+org.w3c.dom"&type=Code
[3] http://code.openhub.net/search?s=%22import%20org.jdom%22
[4] https://github.com/search?q=%22import+org.jdom.%22&type=Code
[5] http://code.openhub.net/search?s=%22import%20javax.xml.stream%22
[6] https://github.com/search?q=%22import+javax.xml.stream%22&type=Code
[7] http://code.openhub.net/search?s=%22import%20org.jdom2%22
[8] https://github.com/search?q=%22import+org.jdom2%22&type=Code

On 06/10/2015 03:53 PM, Paul Libbrecht wrote:
> On 10/06/15 21:47, Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> +1 for removing DOM4J, it's been dead for 10 years.
>> But why do we need a non w3c library at all? Why is JDOM better than DOM?
>> The main reason is that it is supposedly easier to use for Java
>> programmers, but is it that much easier to justify having different
>> APIs? The standard DOM is part of the Java language.
> Well... my experience in the ActiveMath group with quite several
> developers is that JDOM is way easier at representing properly the fine
> details of XML in its completeness than DOM. Also, we ran experiment
> with the Xerces DOM implementation around 2005 or so, and basically got
> the following time factors
> - Xerces DOM: 4
> - Xerces SAX with JDOM: 2
> - Saxon SAX with JDOM: 1
> So we kept the latest. Note that Xerces is what's inside Oracle's JVM
> (or used to be).
> Memory was also considerably better using JDOM.
> The modern way would be to go for StAX but that is a huge programming
> change.
> paul

Sergiu Dumitriu
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