Dear XWiki devs

We are using the XWiki platform for our applications but sadly are still
stuck with 2.7.2. Lately we ran into issues on a large database and noticed
"disappearing" BaseObjects. We were able to link it to XWIKI-6990
<>, where hibernate IDs collided
(hash collisions) and overwrote other objects without any trace - neither
visible in the history nor in a log file.

We analysed your implemented solution from 4.0+ in XWikiDocument
and BaseElement
noticed that you changed the 32bit String#hashCode to 64bit MD5, which
makes a collision less likely. I have a few questions regarding your

1) Is there any specific reason why you have chosen MD5 over SHA-1 or 2?

2) Collisions are still possible and would be extremely hard to notice
since they are completely silent. Have you considered to implement a
collision detection to at least log occurring collisions - or even better
reserve 1-2bits of the 64bit to be used as collision counter in the case of
it happening?

3) To question the concept of generating a hash for an ID in general:
Wouldn't a database defined "auto increment" be a much more robust solution
for the hibernate IDs? A collision would be impossible and
clustering/scalability is still possible with e.g. the InnoDB “interleaved”
autoincrement lock mode. Why have you chosen a hash based solution in the
first place?

I'm sorry if these questions were already answered in the dev mailing list
or on issues, please link me to them since I couldn't find any concrete

Thanks for your time and regards

Marc Sladek
synventis gmbh

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