Hi Marc and Thomas,

I followed your discussion with great interest. I agree that Thomas very light 
proposal is good to put in place, since it has almost no negative impact and 
only benefit. I think there is also a possibility to mitigate the object issue 
with something close (check integrity of what we get, to at least detect an 
issue), but that's not perfect of course.

That’s said, I would like to point you to this interesting question on 
 and remind you that base on the Birthday Paradox, with the released of 4.x, we 
have raised our worrying threshold of documents/objects from 65535, to more 
than 4 billion… and it took a while (4 versions of XWiki) before we had the 
strong feeling we need to raise. So, while before 4.x, the worrying threshold 
was really low, the effective happening of a collision was already low.

My own experience was the risk before 4.x was really high with generated names, 
much hight than with names use by real user. When I was it by that issue, I 
remember being really bad about it. This is also probably why you have raised 
this thread. The previous hash was too small and had also a discutable 

The MD5 algorithm like many crypto hashes is particularly well suited for 
providing a good distribution 
(http://michiel.buddingh.eu/distribution-of-hash-values), the cutting at 64 
bits may lower this, but I doubt it would be significant for us. So, 
personally, I feel really comfortable with the current implementation, and I 
think you can sleep in peace as well.

Just my thought about not raising fears when it’s no more really justified.

Denis Gervalle

On 7 Feb 2018, 16:10 +0100, Denis Gervalle <denis.gerva...@softec.lu>, wrote:
> Hi Marc and Thomas,
> I followed your discussion with great interest. I agree that Thomas very 
> light proposal is good to put in place, since it has almost no negative 
> impact and only benefit. I think there is also a possibility to mitigate the 
> object issue with something close (check integrity of what we get, to at 
> least detect an issue), but that's not perfect of course.
> That’s said, I would like to point you to this interesting question on 
> StackOverflow 
> (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22029012/probability-of-64bit-hash-code-collisions)
>  and remind you that base on the Birthday Paradox, with the released of 4.x, 
> we have raised our worrying threshold of documents/objects from 65535, to 
> more than 4 billion… and it took a while (4 versions of XWiki) before we had 
> the strong feeling we need to raise. So, while before 4.x, the worrying 
> threshold was really low, the effective happening of a collision was already 
> low.
> My own experience was the risk before 4.x was really high with generated 
> names, much hight than with names use by real user. When I was it by that 
> issue, I remember being really bad about it. This is also probably why you 
> have raised this thread. The previous hash was too small and had also a 
> discutable distribution.
> The MD5 algorithm like many crypto hashes is particularly well suited for 
> providing a good distribution 
> (http://michiel.buddingh.eu/distribution-of-hash-values), the cutting at 64 
> bits may lower this, but I doubt it would be significant for us. So, 
> personally, I feel really comfortable with the current implementation, and I 
> think you can sleep in peace as well.
> Just my thought about not raising fears when it’s no more really justified.
> Regards,

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