side question - will it be possibly to flip a flag and enable in case
one is having problem or would prefer without landrush ?

Just curious.


Hi there,

work on integrating Landrush per default into ADB/CDK is in full swing [1].
We are closing in on a solution and wanted to ask for some feedback.

With Landrush enabled we will be going away from using IPs (eg Instead we will be using a dynamically provided IP. This IP should mostly be transparent to the user. She will instead be using a hostname most of the

Right now we thinking the name will be [adb|cdk].test. This means
access to the console would be via https://cdk.test:8443/console (or
if we manage to set it up in time https://console.cdk.test).

A login to the console would be of the form: 'oc login cdk.test:8443'

Last but not least, routes would be of the form '<app>-smaple-project.cdk.test'.

Obviously it is quite nice for a user to just refer to a name instead
of having to remember an IP. Also switching to a dynamically assigned IP allows us to unify the Vagrant configuration across the various virtualization frameworks
(most notably HyperV).

So now to the question. What does everyone think about [cdk|adb].test? We initially used [cdk|adb].dev which I think would be nicer. Unfortunately .dev is probably not a good choice anymore, since we have been seeing DNS servers returning for it. Obviously we can make up our own name here, but be careful that we must be
sure that it won't conflict with 1000+ top level domains out there.
The benefit of .test is that it is apparently protected by the DNS specification
(as is .example .invalid and .localhost). See also [2].

Any suggestions, thoughts?


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