Lars Clausen wrote:

> There will be a new version soon, even if we have to go to Australia
> ourselves and hunt down James:)

Now, now.  No *hunting*, please!  Let one good deed go unpunished.  Remember all
that stuff about setting your love free?  He'll come back when he's ready, or he
was never really ours, right?

Forgive my ignorance, but what is the protocol?  How does an internet project
route around a maintainer who's not available when the code nears the end of its
gestation?  And what should be done with a guy who uses two metaphors in one

Not that I think a 4-week absence is cause for mutiny and of course meaning no
disrespect to James, not at all.  I just wonder what happens if there's rough
consensus and working code, and someone prepared to do the work, but no
communication from the project's maintainer.

I also don't know what specifically goes into "releasing a version", and I'm
hoping to learn something here.  I would think it's just calling for any
last-minute patches, tidying up what in the CVS, summarizing the incorporated
changes in the release notes, building the various binaries, posting the (source
and binary) tarballs, and making the announcement.  Anything else?


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