Jon maddog Hall wrote:

>One of the things that interests me about the Simputer is the inclusion of
>two USB ports.  Thus hooked to a power supply and a USB disk drive, USB 
>and USB mouse you might be able to have a fairly interesting "desktop"
>(although with a fairly small screen).  Lots of "PDAs" do not have this
>If you get a chance you might want to try it in this configuration as part
>of your evaluation.
Definitely - though I am also considering the possibility of the
accelerometer replacing the mouse. That's real 'iffy', but it's
something already partially implemented.
If I find a rollup keyboard in Panama, or can get one sourced, I will
try the keyboard. And I do have a USB mouse, but the keyboard testing is
pretty important, I think - and I think the roll-up USB keyboard may be
most appropriate.

For those of you who don't know - the USB is a quantum leap over serial
and mouse ports because the standard is open - an Open Standard - and
that allows more things to be developed with it.

Other USB devices I do want to test - a USB wireless card, if I can find
one, and even a USB connector to a GPS. Darned thing is, as usual, I
have more ideas than money...

Taran Rampersad
Presently in: San Jose, Costa Rica

"Criticize by creating." — Michelangelo

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