
> I am currently working on gl3n - https://bitbucket.org/dav1d/gl3n - gl3n 
> provides all the math you need to work with OpenGL, DirectX or just 
> vectors and matrices (it's mainly targeted at graphics - gl3n will never 
> be more then a pure math library). What it supports:
>   * vectors
>   * matrices
>   * quaternions
>   * interpolation (lerp, slerp, hermite, catmull rom, nearest)
>   * nearly all glsl functions (according to spec 4.1)
>   * some more cool features, like templated types (vectors, matrices,
>     quats), cool ctors, dynamic swizzling

This seems the 15th D implementation of certain things I've seen so far. Also 
to avoid further duplication I'd like 2D/3D/4D vectors (for game or graphics 
purposes) in Phobos.


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