On Thu, 03 Jan 2013 08:20:19 -0500
Matthew Caron <matt.ca...@redlion.net> wrote:

> On 01/02/2013 04:18 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> >> Why would you need to? If your mail store is IMAP, just let it
> >> rebuild.
> >
> > I don't store email on the server, I store it locally.
> I gave that up years ago when I ended up with more than one device.
> Too much "did I get that email on my laptop or my desktop?" And now
> with tablet, phone, laptop, desktop, and several kiosk machines
> around the house (because how else do you watch Firefly whilst
> loading custom hunting ammunition in the gun room?) and then the
> device proliferation continues...

Turn off "Delete email from server ten seconds after downloading it".
Either increase it to a sane time period, or disable delete-from-server
entirely. Problem solved. Worked fine for me.

Accessing *sent* messages can be a different story though, but using
your email client's setting for "BCC outgoing messages to..." to send
to a special "messages I sent" address works well enough. Unless you
need to use some shitty Fisher-Price email client like the one in iOS,
because then you're just fucked. (But if you need to rely on iOS,
you'll probably have bigger problems anyway.)

> >> scp -rp ~/.thunderbird <target machine>
> >>
> >> will shove your whole TB directory to the new box.
> >
> > Doesn't work on Windows.
> Why not? The directory may be different, but the philosophy should
> still hold. Just install ssh/sshd from cygwin and you're set.
> (The cheekier response is "stop using toy OS's".

A few years ago I'd have disagreed, but after Vista, and then Win 7,
and now Win 8 (ie three steaming turds in a row), I have to agree with
you. I mostly liked XP, but I've been using Win7 for close to a
year now and I'm just itching to be rid of this goddamn MS OSX. (And
after having actually tried Win8, I have to say I could have easily
mistaken it for a bad prank if I hadn't already known about it.)

> Windows is only 
> suitable for playing video games, and I'm looking forward to Steam's 
> release for Linux such that I can power on the Wintendo less and
> less.

Steam on Linux? That's like installing hydraulics on a Formula 1
or a rusty nail in a jock strap. Nothing that involves "Steam" is
suitable for playing videogames, whether Win/Lin or anything else.

I'd be willing to *release* a game, *non-exclusively*, on steam just
for the visibility and for the subset of PC gamers that are
unfortunately dumb enough to think steam isn't DRM, but that's all
steam is good for. Gabe can suck the shit out of my ass for destroying
the last non-orwellian gaming platform in existence and
essentially turning it into a goddamn iPhone.

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