On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 13:40:30 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
On Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 11:13:32 UTC, Dejan Lekic wrote:

I am quite sure I will have time for this, next year. We'll keep in touch.

I had also expressed and interest in helping out with this, as had at least one other poster (Mike I think). While 2015 is still a good way off perhaps we should come up with a plan as to how we can work together so as not to duplicate effort.

I always access these forums through the web-interface. Is there a way to look up the email addresses of my fellow posters?

The web interface for the mailing list includes email addresses:


Also, I think if you log into the webforum, it might have a link for the raw posting source including email addresses, but I don't log in so I can't say for sure.

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