On Thursday, 3 April 2014 at 08:43:33 UTC, Bienlein wrote:
If I remember what the state of Groovy is (around 2012). The compiler devs focussed quite heavily on functionality not performance. Even refused to go that direction.
It was quite bad.

Its a real shame. I liked it. Although if they had and had unsigned types I probably wouldn't be in D!

Since Groovy 2.0 there is optional static type checking and when using it performance is much better. When Groovy is run over the Havlak benchmark it is only 10% behind in speed compared to Java with static typing and only about 40% in behind when purely dynamic as with pre-2.0 Groovy. See the bottom most paragraph in the readme of https://github.com/oplohmann/havlak-jvm-languages

The benchmark in this article (http://java.dzone.com/articles/groovy-20-performance-compared) only measures method invocation time, but it also gives some idea that performance in Groovy is really good now.

Sounds like a lot has changed since I was in it then.

What Scala is really good at is concurrency. You must give them that. Akka (akka.io) and new ideas about futures and promises really started in the Scala community. Some of that stuff also made it into JDK8. Something like Akka for D will be a killer app for D. It can't be done as a spare time activity, otherwise I would already have embarked on it ;-).

Yes Akka is definitely a rather neat and great technology. Also would be great to have in D. I would love to help get something like this working in D. But time. Its bad enough with Cmsed in its current state. Let alone if I were to meet its goals of providing pretty much everything under the sun. Like node communication between frontend and backend for a web service.
That also would be rather a killer feature.

But in saying this it would actually probably be better if it was built like Akka. So on second thoughts guess what I'll be working on soon. Something like Akka. If you hear from me within a week in the format of an announcement please help :)

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