On Thursday, 29 January 2015 at 14:05:25 UTC, Chris wrote:

Yeah, I was wondering, if you have to import std.json and use it as a basis for painlessjson, is it really so big an improvement? Especially since std.json might be replaced (sooner or later). I'd prefer an "easy to use" implementation that replaces std.json completely.

Painlessjson in many ways abstracts away the std.json implementation, so using it you should rarely/never have to use std.json directly. It basically abstracts away most of the complexity and you should only ever have to use toJSON and fromJSON. This works with built-in types (double/int/string etc.) and also with ranges and associative arrays.

On top of that Painlessjson also makes it easy to convert your own types/struct/classes to and from JSON by (de)serializing them automatically (as far as possible).

If a better simpler std.json gets developed then we can rebase painlessjson on that and it might become a thinner wrapper, but I would expect the (de)serialization still to be useful in many cases.
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