On Sunday, 27 September 2015 at 23:23:05 UTC, Márcio Martins wrote:
Today I launched a very tiny and humble blog, with the first post being about D. It's likely all posts will be about D in the end...

You can reach it http://www.mmartins.me

I want to get better at writing, as I have barely ever written anything other than code, and my name... I noticed there aren't many people actively blogging about D, so I will give it a go, and in the process, try to grow the community a tiny bit by showcasing D's strengths as I remember discovering them myself over the course of last year writing exclusively D.

The first post is about vector swizzling. Game programmers get spoiled by writing shaders where swizzling is extremely convenient, and then when they go back to writing C++ they have wet dreams about swizzing in there too. It's not a dream in D. This was the first use-case I thought of when I first learned about D's templates and mixins, but never got to implement it until now.

The blog platform itself is home-made and the server-side is 100% D (vibe.d). Once I build it up a bit more, I will probably put it up on github as an example of how easy it is to build high-performance frontend and backend web apps with D + vibe.d. It is really productive once the scaffolding and pipeline is all built.

If you have a read, please let me know where I could improve, both my writing and the D code!


Great post! Really like it. If you're genuinely soliciting constructive feedback my one suggestion would be to maybe change the blog name to something a bit less quirky. To be honest I was 50/50 whether I'd read the post when I saw the title. Glad I read the post in the end, but I suspect many may be put off by it....



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