On Friday, 19 February 2016 at 17:03:57 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh wrote:
The GSOC deadline is Feb 19th 19:00 UTC (or 2 PM Wawa time) so any last ideas for the Idea's page are welcome.

Our application is completed, but changes can still be made to the ideas page. In fact I suppose we can go on making modifications even after the deadline, as I have no idea at what time Google takes the snapshots of these pages for evaluation. Thanks to Martin Nowak's suggestion we are now participating as "The D Foundation" (rather than Digital Mars).

Thanks to all who have helped out to this point.



D is a fantastic efficient and fast replacement of Python which even has great plotting and other analysis features as ggplotd! To gain traction in numerical and statistical computing it is important to provide great optimization, automatic differential (AD) (reversed-mode AD (e.g. in mc-stan.org for Bayesian stuff) and/or forward-mode as e.g. for R at GSOC-2010 - there is no reason for numerical diff these days anymore, and you may mess-up your stuff using it!), and Bayesian routines. D is laking on these basic features (my personal opinion - correct me if I am wrong).

Good starting points for a GSOC project would be "to port" mc-stan.org or some optimization algorithms from Coin-OR.org (please let me be more particular and independent of existing work if there is any interest for such a project!).

I am not a D specialist but getting more and more into it and up to happily mentor this GSOC-project (maybe there would be (co-)mentors with more D experiences).

(I already initiated a successful GSOC application on algorithmic differentiation in R together with John Nash for GSOC 2010 (student: Chidambaram Annamalai) - unfortunately I did not have the capacity to mentor/support the project as I had to finish my PhD during this time)

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