On 5/17/16 10:06 AM, Jack Stouffer wrote:

Based on the recent thread in General, I wrote this blog post that's
designed to be part beginner tutorial, part objective record of the
debate over it, and finally my opinions on the matter.

When I first learned about auto-decoding, I was kinda miffed that there
wasn't anything in the docs or on the website that went into more
detail. So I wrote this in order to introduce people who are getting
into D to the concept, it's benefits, and downsides. When people are
confused in Learn why typeof(s.front) == dchar then this can just be
linked to them.

If you think there should be any more information included in the
article, please let me know so I can add it.

Starting to read it, see errors in your examples:

is(s[0] == immutable char) -> is(typeof(s[0]) == immutable(char))
is(s.front == dchar) -> is(typeof(s.front()) == dchar)

I'm not sure if you need the parens after front, but if it's not marked as @property, then this returns a function.


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