On Monday, 30 October 2017 at 22:22:42 UTC, Bastiaan Veelo wrote:
SublimeLinter-contrib-dmd [1] is a plug-in for the Sublime Text 3 editor [2]. Unlike linters that are based on DScanner, it actually invokes dmd on the file that is being edited, as you edit. If dmd finds anything to complain about, an annotation is shown in the editor: warnings and deprecations in orange, errors in red. If SublimeLinter (a plug-in dependency) is configured to show tool tips, the error message pops up after a click on the annotation (see screen shots [1]). SublimeLinter offers shortcuts for jumping to errors and it is possible to postpone on-the-fly linting or lint only on request.


My console says:

File "linter in C:\Users\anton\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Installed Packages\SublimeLinter-contrib-dmd.sublime-package", line 13, in <module>
ImportError: No module named 'SublimeLinter'

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