On Monday, February 12, 2018 21:53:21 Nick Sabalausky  via Digitalmars-d-
announce wrote:
> On 02/12/2018 11:15 AM, rikki cattermole wrote:
> > dxml 7.5k LOC
> > std.xml 3k LOC
> >
> > dxml would make the situation a lot worse.
> 4.5k LOC == "a lot worse"?
> Uuuuhhh...WAT?

There is sometimes a tendency for folks to think that something having a lot
of lines of code is bad, and there can be some truth to that. If something
can be done in a simpler way, it tends to be shorter and easier to maintain,
but shorter isn't always better, and simpler isn't always better -
especially if that complexity is needed to get the job done. So, LOC tells
you something, but what it really tells you is up for debate.

And actually, well-written D code is going to have a much higher line count
in general because of stuff like documentation and unit tests being in the
source file. In this case, while std.xml does seem to have a fair bit of
documentation, it has very little in the way of unit tests, whereas dxml has
fairly thorough unit tests - maybe not quite as extreme as std.datetime, but
I do tend to be thorough with unit tests.

Andrei used to complain periodically about how large std.datetime was,
thinking that it was way too much code, and then someone actually went to
the effort of stripping out all of the comments and unit tests and whatnot
to count the actual lines of code in the implementation, and it was a _way_
smaller number than the lines in the file (IIRC, it might have even been
something like only 10% of the file, if that). That's what happens when you
write documentation and unit tests that are thorough.

- Jonathan M Davis

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