On Wednesday, February 28, 2018 19:31:27 Cym13 via Digitalmars-d-announce 
> - some questions introduce clear bias as they don't have a clear
> default exit path.

Similarly, some of them seem to make the assumption that a problem makes it
so that you don't want to use D (e.g. it talks about features discouraging
you from using D), which personally, I never find to be the case. There are
features that I get annoyed with for various reasons, but they don't
discourage me from using D. They just make it harder and/or less pleasant.

Assuming that I have free reign to pick which language I'm going to use,
about the only thing that's going to make it so that I don't use D is if I
really can't do it in D in a reasonable time frame, whereas I can in another
language, and that's pretty much only going to be because I need a library
that simply isn't available from D and would be too time-consuming to make
available from D - especially if I'm in a hurry. No feature of D is going to
make me not want to use D.

- Jonathan M Davis

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