On Monday, 26 February 2018 at 14:59:07 UTC, Adam D. Ruppe wrote:
Many of you will already know this from the other thread or from my twitter, but I just added a on-demand downloader to my dpldocs.info domain to fetch and build docs for any* dub package.

Simply go to projectname.dpldocs.info/vX.Y.Z/ and it will generate docs for dub package projectname, version X.Y.Z. (If you don't specify a version, it will pull the master branch.)

For example:


master branch for the arsd-official package



6.0.22 of the dplug package.


I'd like to get the code.dlang.org folks to add the correct link to the main package site so people can easily discover this.... just put nofollow on it plz so google doesn't trigger generation of pages people don't actually need (the lazy generation + caching allows me to host this on a cheap VPS)

It builds the docs using my own doc generator <https://github.com/adamdruppe/adrdox> which pulls embedded doc comments out of the source.

It isn't 100% compatible with ddoc. For example, this user-defined macro was not expanded: http://dxml.dpldocs.info/dxml.dom.html#source

But, it builds 99% of Phobos so it can probably build your project too! And get the ease of adrdox navigation and legibility.

Moreover, if you want to embrace it, you can use all the features described here: http://dpldocs.info/experimental-docs/adrdox.syntax.html except for the LaTeX math generation (that's not installed on the dub doc server I set up).

You can group functions like seen here: http://dpldocs.info/experimental-docs/arsd.nanovega.html and use some markdown syntax, and easy [reference] linking and more.

The generated docs may get some customization options in the future, like adding a logo, header nav links, or maybe tweaking the color scheme. It will probably also start reading .gitignore and perhaps a .adrdoxignore file soon to to exclude files from generation. I just need to decide the details first and it is time to work the day job right now and I want to announce sooner rather than later :)

* currently, only github code downloading is actually implemented.

A feature request: Display README.md in the package docs? A lot of projects have the front page with useful example or similar.

On a similar vein, a lot of projects have an examples/ folder. These could also be scanned and displayed (with links from types used back to the "real" ddoc documentation.

The examples/ section would (I imagine) be a lot harder to support as there's no standard in D yet, but this isn't new ground. Go projects regularly have Example_ functions as part of their testing files, that serve as useful documentation.

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