On Tuesday, 10 July 2018 at 17:03:01 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:

AFAIK, the current GC does not release memory back to the OS. So you won't see the memory footprint decrease. However, it does free up memory for subsequent allocations.


if you put another
int[] x;
x.length = 1024 * 1024 * 128;

After the GC.collect you now get 1GB of memory usage.

My point is, this type of control is not enough control for anyone coming from a non-GC language, so they will point out GC as a problem. And in my opinion with reason.

I´m using my own lib on D with nogc container and other utilities to avoid completly the GC.

Altought I know that is completly possible to use GC and have good performance, I dont think the arguments for it are enough to convince most people.

I find D awesome (and probably will never look at C++ again), but for me you can remove GC completly from the language and it will continue to be aswesome.

(For me, i'm hoping to compile everything that I have with -betterC in the future. Waiting for some bugs related to betterC to be solved)

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