On Tuesday, 10 July 2018 at 17:25:11 UTC, Yuxuan Shui wrote:
(Although I don't quite agree with you. Some people DO resist change, that's why some decades old languages are still popular. But look at the popularity of new languages like Go, and Rust, and the ever-change landscape of front-end development. There're tons of people who adapt certain technology just because it is new, why can't that happen to D?)

Because they are humans.
Because the masses fly to hip stuff like moths to light.
Because people make decisions out of a mood or because of peer pressure and based on opinion rather than facts.
Because a lot of people use it so it can't be bad !?

You can see that phenomenon in Hardware and end user software and really every other aspect of life, too, by the way. It's almost always the hyped shh-stuff that gets wide spread use.

How many of these people are using it because they want to ? How many are happy with the language, rather than just being part of the flock ? To be able to call oneself hip ? To be part of the group ?

Whether or not rust, go, etc. are just as or more popular than C++ or Java in 30 years remains to be seen.

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