On Friday, 22 May 2020 at 17:33:11 UTC, rikki cattermole wrote:
On 23/05/2020 5:07 AM, Atila Neves wrote:
It is not about the linkage.

The problem is solely does the compiler have the source to the function body to verify it?

That's what I meant, sorry for not making it clearer.


That is a failure of the language that should be resolved.

And how do you suggest we fix it?

One of the arguments that has been brought up (although I don't remember if it made its way to the N.G.) is that if you don't have the body, can a function /even/ be @safe?



You might, but that doesn't give the compiler the right to do so by default. This a decision for a skilled programmer to make.

They still can (and should). The DIP is about changing the default.



We simply do not agree, nor do I expect for us to come to terms on it anytime soon.

I meant "did I explain myself well enough that now you understand where I'm coming from, even though you might not ultimately agree?".

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