On Friday, 22 May 2020 at 18:14:12 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
Then myFunc would become callable from @safe code, provided the passed-in argument is also @safe.

The crucial point here is that while compiling myFunc, the compiler doesn't (need to) know the @safe-ty of `cb`, it can just treat it as an opaque object that it assumes the safety of, while it verifies the rest of the function body.

This is parallel to C functions being of unverifiable safety, so if extern(C) functions were somehow marked and treated as opaque objects of unknown safety, then the compiler can still verify the rest of the code and produce a certificate of safety (modulo the C APIs used).

If we had a way of expressing conditional safety, it could be a way to salvage @safe from this current situation.

I had this thought a million times, tried to explain it at two DConfs but no-one (as it appeared to me) got the point.

The main difference is, the function calling `myFunc` "knows" whether the delegate/function pointer it used as an argument is @safe or not. It's perfectly decidable.

Personally, I'd even go that far and say, that's how all the function attributes (also pure, nothrow, @nogc) are intended to work.

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