On Monday, 14 August 2017 at 06:36:22 UTC, Rainer Schuetze wrote:

On 13.08.2017 23:28, Johnson Jones wrote:
One can prevent building the other projects using the configuration manager. Seems to work fine.

One problem is that I cannot seem to get breakpoints to work. Same issues as I mentioned before with visual D saying the symbols haven't been loaded for the document. I do not know if it's the cross debugging issue or Visual D's issue though.

What configuration are you using? I recently switched to "Debug COFF32" as it produced the slightly better experience and doesn't need the cv2pdb build step. "Debug" should be fine, too, though.

Didn't help. To try it out, simply follow the steps I mentioned about creating a separate debug install

and add the build event(modify for your version of VS)

\visuald-0.45.1-rc2\bin\Debug\quick_install.bat & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe" SomeDSolutionToOpenForTesting.sln /RootSuffix Exp

The quick_install.bat just copies the various build files to the visual D debug install directory.


copy /Y "\visuald-0.45.1-rc2\bin\Debug COFF32\VisualD.dll" "C:\Program Files (x86)\VisualD\Debug"

What this does, is after a successful build, is copy the VisualD dll to the debug install version and loads up an experimental version of visual studio which uses that version if you updated it's hive, which I outlined above(takes about 3 mins to modify all the entries pointing to the original visual D install dir).

After that, build visual D and it should update the debug install, launch exp VS, open a D project and be ready for testing.

Then go to the first VS and attach process to the second, add BP's, such as on the backspace switch case, and then go in to the exp VS and hit backspace, it should break, but it doesn't and the BP's say there are no symbols loaded.

There is obviously a pdb file. I've copied it to the debug install dir and added the debug dir as a symbols directory so there is no reason why visual studio can't find it. I've also tried different debuggers(mago, visual studio, etc).

Given that this looks eerily similar to the BP problem I've experienced in the past with visual D doing normal projects(no cross debugging), it makes me believe it is a bug in visual D. Remember when I said I couldn't get any BP's for x64? You fixed that, then I've had instances where I couldn't get any for x86 after the fix.

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