In the code below, foo!fabs compiles without issue, but foo!"fabs" does not because the import is not available in the string mixin. If I move the import to the top of the module, then it works. However, then if I move foo to another module, then it will no longer compile since it is in different modules.

Is there any way I can make sure the mixin knows about the import?

I am just using fabs as an example. Ideally, I would want to use any function from any other module. I can figure out how to do it, for instance, if the only functions that were allowed were those in one module, like std.math.

double foo(alias f)(double x) {
    return f(x);

template foo(string f) {
    mixin("alias foo = .foo!(" ~ f ~ ");");

void main() {
    import std.math: fabs;

    double x = 2.0;
    double y = foo!fabs(x);
    double z = foo!"fabs"(x);

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