On Thursday, 31 December 2020 at 18:13:40 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
I was a bit unclear. I meant features as in built in language constructs etc, not necessarily like keywords and so on.

You mean like associative arrays and dynamic arrays? If so then I guess people have different taste, I think it was a mistake to make those builtins...

I find code harder to read when symbols (e.g. "!") have so many meanings in D. I am creating my own experimental unicode-syntax now where each symbol has only one meaning... kinda like a prototype for testing the idea of using the full unicode charset for programming. So not necessarily a D specific issue, but D is a nice testbed for experimenting as it has so many features.

Hmm, regarding features I'd like in C++, maybe better metaprogramming and fewer keywords? Haven't thought about that

I've never run into meta programming problems that I cannot deal with in C++ in way that works out ok in the end, but sometimes you have to search the web. Fortunately there are many "recipes" for big languages... without that... uhm. Then C++ would be a very difficult thing to handle :-D.

What I don't like about C++ is that things get verbose, but verbosity has some advantages when programs get very large because then you need more context to understand what is going on and where things are coming from.

It isn't obvious that something that is good for a medium sized program will be good for a very large program (e.g. "where did this symbol come from?"). You won't really find out until you've tried... but most D programs are small, so. No need to worry about that...

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