On 18/1/21 13:41, Ola Fosheim Grøstad wrote:
Yes, it is natural that the current D population don't mind the current GC. Otherwise they would be gone... but then you have to factor in all the people that go through the revolving door and does not stay. If they stayed the eco system would be better. So the fact that they don't... is effecting everyone in a negative way (also those that har happy with the runtime).

I must be in the minority here because one of the reasons why I started using D was precisely because it HAS a GC with full support. I wouldn't even have considered it if it hadn't.

For what I usually do (non-critical server-side unattended processing) latency is most obviously not an issue, and I for me not having to worry about memory management and being able to focus on the task at hand is a requirement.

So I think that several key people (in the community) have different, sometimes even contradicting issues they feel very strongly about, and think these are the most important ones, or the ones that move most people.

This is quite OT (perhaps I should have split the topic), but I think that instead of focusing on what people dislike about D, it would help to ask people as well why they DID choose D.

In my case, I'm coming from a mostly Java (with a touch of C/C++) and was looking for:

* C/C++/Java-like syntax
* OOP support (sorry, I'm too used to that ;-) )
* Proper meta-programing / templates (without Java's generics / type erasure)
* Compiled language
* GC (IOW, no worries about memory management)
* Full linux support

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