On Wednesday, 28 July 2021 at 16:26:49 UTC, drug wrote:
I profiled the provided example (not `FiberScheduler`) using perf. Both dmd and ldc2 gave the same result - `void filterInner(int, int)` took ~90% of the run time. The time was divided between:
        `int std.concurrency.receiveOnly!(int).receiveOnly()` - 58%
`void std.concurrency.send!(int).send(std.concurrency.Tid, int)` - 31%

So most of the time is messages passing.

Between the fibers creating took very few time. Perf output contains information only of `void std.concurrency.FiberScheduler.create(void delegate()).wrap()` which took less than 0.5%. But I wouldn't say that I did the profiling ideally so take it with a grain of salt.

Very interesting findings! After making the Fiber fix, I also made profiling with valgrind, the result shows MessageBox related staff contributes to ~13.7% of total cycles, swapContex related staff add up to a larger percentage (My rough estimation is >50%), I'd like to share the result svg but did not figure out how to upload here.

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