On Wednesday, 28 July 2021 at 16:31:49 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
I assume the opposite because normally, the number of times a thread or fiber is spawned is nothing compared to the number of times they are context-switched. So, spawning can be expensive and nobody would realize as long as switching is cheap.

You are right, but that's not my point. whether fiber spawning is expensive should be compared to thread, and it should be much less expensive, ppl can expect to create much more fibers at the same time than system thread, even if it's stackful (that should mostly contribute to heap memory usage, fiber stack size should not be a perf bottleneck before running out of mem). And when analyzing perf issues with fiber, it's not a valid reason to me that 'fiber is expensive' because fiber itself is the solution to the expensiveness of thread, and non of the other fiber implementations in other languages/runtime have the same issue with the same test case.

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