On Monday, 3 April 2023 at 23:13:58 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

Yeah, please post.
module aoc2215b2;

import std.stdio;
import std.file: readText;
import std.conv: to;
import std.math: abs;
import std.traits;
import std.parallelism;
import std.range;
import core.time: MonoTime;

// Timed main() vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
void main(string[] args) {
auto progStartTime = MonoTime.currTime;
        string filename = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : "aoc2215a.data";
        CommPair[] commPair;
        ulong x,y;

// read file that has data sets in the form of x,y coordinate pairs // for each sensor-beacon pair. Create on array of structs to hold
        // this information.
        loadFileDataIntoArrayOfStructs(commPair, filename);
        foreach(int lineOfInterest;parallel(iota(0,4_000_001))) {
Span[] span; // A section of line-of-interest coordinates where no other beacons are present.
                const spanReserve = span.reserve(50);

                // if spans overlap, combine them into a single span and mark
                // the other spans !inUse.

// look for a line that doesn't have 4,000,001 locations accounted for
                if(beaconFreeLocations(span) < 4_000_001) {

                        // find the location that is not accounted for
                        foreach(ulong i;0..4_000_000) {
                                bool found = false;
                                foreach(sp;span) {
                                        if(i >= sp.xLow && i <= sp.xHigh) {
                                                found = true;
                                if(!found) {
                                        x = i; y = lineOfInterest;
writeln(x," ",y);

auto progEndTime = MonoTime.currTime;
writeln(progEndTime - progStartTime);
// Timed main() ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

struct CommPair {
        int sx,sy,bx,by;
        int manhattanDistance;

void loadFileDataIntoArrayOfStructs(ref CommPair[] commPair, string filename) {
        import std.regex;
        auto s = readText(filename);
auto ctr = ctRegex!(`x=(-*\d+), y=(-*\d+):.*x=(-*\d+), y=(-*\d+)`);
        CommPair cptemp;
        foreach (c; matchAll(s, ctr)) {
                cptemp.sx = to!int(c[1]);
                cptemp.sy = to!int(c[2]);
                cptemp.bx = to!int(c[3]);
                cptemp.by = to!int(c[4]);
cptemp.manhattanDistance = abs(cptemp.sx-cptemp.bx) + abs(cptemp.sy-cptemp.by);
                commPair ~= cptemp;

struct Span {
        int xLow, xHigh;
        bool inUse = true;

void createSpansOfNoBeacons(int lineOfInterest, CommPair[] commPair,ref Span[] span) {
        foreach(size_t i,cp;commPair) {
                int distanceToLineOfInterest = abs(cp.sy - lineOfInterest);
                if(cp.manhattanDistance >= distanceToLineOfInterest) {
int xLow = cp.sx - (cp.manhattanDistance - distanceToLineOfInterest); int xHigh = cp.sx + (cp.manhattanDistance - distanceToLineOfInterest);
                        span ~= Span(xLow,xHigh);

void combineOverlappingSpans(ref Span[] span) {
        bool combinedSpansThisCycle = true;
        while(combinedSpansThisCycle) {
                combinedSpansThisCycle = false;
                for(size_t i=0; i < span.length-1; i++) {
                        if(!span[i].inUse) continue;
                        for(size_t j=i+1; j < span.length; j++) {
                                if(!span[j].inUse) continue;

// if one span overlaps with the other, combine them into one span if(spanIContainedInSpanJ(span[i],span[j]) || spanJContainedInSpanI(span[i],span[j])) { span[i].xLow = span[i].xLow < span[j].xLow ? span[i].xLow : span[j].xLow; span[i].xHigh = span[i].xHigh > span[j].xHigh ? span[i].xHigh : span[j].xHigh;
                                        span[j].inUse = false;
                                        combinedSpansThisCycle = true;

                                        // after combining two spans, perform 
bounds checking
                                        // 15 part b limits the search between 
0 and 4,000,000
span[i].xLow = span[i].xLow < 0 ? 0 : span[i].xLow; span[i].xHigh = span[i].xHigh > 4_000_000 ? 4_000_000 : span[i].xHigh;

bool spanIContainedInSpanJ (Span spanI, Span spanJ) {
return (spanI.xLow >= spanJ.xLow && spanI.xLow <= spanJ.xHigh) ||
                        (spanI.xHigh>= spanJ.xLow && spanI.xHigh<= spanJ.xHigh);

bool spanJContainedInSpanI (Span spanI, Span spanJ) {
return (spanJ.xLow >= spanI.xLow && spanJ.xLow <= spanI.xHigh) ||
                        (spanJ.xHigh>= spanI.xLow && spanJ.xHigh<= spanI.xHigh);

int beaconFreeLocations(ref Span[] span) {
        int noBeaconCount = 0;
foreach(sp;span) if(sp.inUse) noBeaconCount += sp.xHigh - sp.xLow + 1;

        return noBeaconCount;

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