On Tuesday, 30 April 2013 at 10:02:07 UTC, JR wrote:
For instance, is it possible to have MatrixWalker's F type to have a default value of a NOP void function(), have the innermost foreach loop check if the element is a function, and if so call it directly without needing FuncRunner at all?

Let's start by turning MatrixWalker into a function template (fixing the matrix template parameter on the way):
void walkMatrix(F,M: E[I][T],E,I,T)(F func, M matrix) {
        /* those foreaches */

This way it can be called without explicitly instantiating the template:
walkMatrix(&runner, funcyMatrix);

Now add an overload for callable elements:
void walkMatrix(M: E[I][T],E,I,T)(M matrix) if(is(typeof(&FuncRunner!M.run))) {
        walkMatrix(&FuncRunner!M.run, matrix);

A call:

Of course, FuncRunner is now only needed by that overload, so you could move its implementation in there.

Also, is there a clever approach to have MatrixWalker call its passed function variadically with only the arguments that its signature allows? As in;

import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;

struct Event { /* ... type, sender, target, content and friends ... */ };

template MatrixWalker(F,E: E[I][T],I,T) {
   // note addition of Event below
   void applyFunc(ref Event evt, F func, E[I][T] matrix) {
       /* ... Inception foreach ... */
func(evt, /* only the arguments of E, I and/or T that type F accepts */);

const alias Blaawp MAJOR;
const alias Oorgle MINOR;
static void function(ref Event, MINOR)[MINOR][MAJOR] funcyMatrix;
// note no MAJOR in func sig

void populate() {
   /* ... */

void traverse() {
   sendMessageAdapter = void function(ref Event evt, Tid) {
       std.concurrency.send(tid, evt);

alias MatrixWalker!(typeof(&sendMessageAdapter),typeof(funkyMatrix)).applyFunc apply;

   writeln("Traversing funcy matrix");
   apply(&sendMessageAdapter, funkyMatrix);

void main(string[] args) {

That sounds too good to be true, but it would make me warm and fuzzy inside if I didn't have to resort to keeping a dozen adapter/shim functions around.

I don't have a clever solution for that.

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