On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 13:59:03 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
that's why i'm sure that basic programming must be teached in school.
hey, the whole our civilization will collapse without computers!
computer programming is the literacy of the new age.

This is nonsense and I see it repeated all the time, with code.org and other efforts. Do you know how to fix your car, washing machine, or refrigerator? No, yet your life would likely collapse far faster without those. You hire somebody to do the job if any of those mechanical systems breaks. Similarly, most people hire programmers to do the software work they don't want to do.

I will agree that basic computer literacy is important, ie people should know their way around a computer or tablet, how to open and turn off apps, mouse or touch your way around the UI, etc. But beyond that it's a matter of interest: some people like Walter want to work on their car or computer, but most people don't.

On Friday, 17 October 2014 at 14:00:43 UTC, ketmar via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
yet Scheme will teach how to write functional code. it's a valuable
knowledge for D programmer.

My first programming language was Scheme in my freshman year of college (I wasn't one of those kids programming since middle school). Scheme was fine for the time, though the scads of parentheses were annoying, but I think we can do better decades later. D would work fine if it's presented at a level appropriate to a beginner, ie not assuming they know anything about programming to begin with.

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