On Fri, 17 Oct 2014 23:31:45 +0000
Joakim via Digitalmars-d-learn <digitalmars-d-learn@puremagic.com>

> You do realize that most people are clueless about how to fix 
> those also, right?
most people are stupid.

> Would you require that how to fix all that 
> mechanical stuff be taught in schools too?
but it is! or at least it was. it's all simple physics, you know. not a
rocket science.

> Kids would never 
> leave school if they had to learn all the stuff everybody says 
> they should be forced to learn. ;)
nobody should be *forced* to learn: it's pointless. yet kids are very
curious, and they can be taught *alot* of things if they think that
they are "just playing". make it interesting, and you'll be amazed how
much kids can learn almost without problems.

> Yet, civilization is made up of people like you, who would all 
> miss those mechanical systems far more than computers.
it's a huge difference between "i miss my washing machine" and "all our
communication and data processing systems are foobared".

> They should use tools like Automator instead, no programming 
> needed:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automator_(software)
i wasn't talking about sorting out file mess. i was talking about
tabular data processing, for example, with some logics and calculations
that can't be done automatically without programming.

> Tablets are optimized for basic usage
what is "basic usage"? i really don't know what tablets are for. what i
can do with it? watching movie? listening music? reading book? yes,
tablets can do this... badly. what else?

i can listen music with my N900, and it fits in my pocket.

movies? on tablet screen? no, thanks.

books? "electronic books" are better.

tablets are like XML: bad for everything.

> Most people just need a basic appliance that isn't going to catch 
> viruses or require registry hacks.
give 'em wooden board with painting. it's great!

> It is completely different, because there are tools like 
> Automator to help you automate your workflow without needing to 
> write anything.
oh, please. i can do batch renaming with wildcards, and for any
task that is more complex than that there *is* a need to write
logic. scripts. "graphic programming" is a dead end. people drop icons
in favor of alphabet 'cause alphabet is just better.

> If you need to communicate something on paper- 
> well, nobody uses paper these days
i wish that the goverment of my country knows about that. and banking.
somehow they still insist to have everything written on paper.

> For most people, that is a better route, particularly if they 
> don't need to modify the script as they go and just need it 
> written once.
so instead of spending ten minutes to write the script they'll spend a
day searching for someone to hire and pay him money. great. thanks to
such people we have "don't put your pet into microwave"-like
instructions. and that instructions are pointless 'cause such people
never reads any instructions anyway.

most people are stupid, but that's not what scares me alot. what really
scare me is that most people *love* to be stupid and fight for the
right to be stupid with passion.

p.s. me too. i can't force myself to take English courses for five
damned years!

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