Thanks everyone for taking the time to respond!

Start using D now. It's not all or nothing so you don't have to give up on C++. I have several projects that contain both C++ and D intermixed.

Using both does seem like a good way to transition. I could combine the strengths of D with the strengths of c++. I have never mixed two programming languages in one project, all have contained one language exclusively. This is another bridge to cross.

D will make you a better C++ programmer, but especially C++ template programming. D metaprogramming is so easy to read, write and understand compared to C++ and many of the patterns still apply when you're standing knee deep in C++it.

I use c++ templates extensively, and if D offers a better solution that is fantastic.
@Chris Wright,

Your largest problem in the short term is documentation quality.

This concerns me since it makes it very difficult for people trying to learn the language. I don't need that additional frustration.

Your largest problem in the long run will be libraries.

Also concerning, but if I can combine the two languages somehow as lobo suggested, there may be a solution (just need to figure out how and how difficult that is).

...but you'd still have to write bindings. htod doesn't exactly work on Linux.

I am not exactly sure what that means, which is probably not a good sign.
@Russel Windmer
But doesn't code::blocks just interface with the compiler? I (naively?) thought I could just install the compiler and point code::blocks to that compiler.
What do you plan to do with D?

Good point, I did not make that clear. Right now I just want to use it for personal projects, but someday I hope to take it further.

Personally, I don't think there is a reason to transition. Instead, you should learn D and then use it when you are ready.

That is troubling, but reasons to transition must exist or the language would not exist, right? I find that if I "learn" a language I forget it unless I actually start using it, at least for a short while.
January 2016 is when I should have time to experiment with D. I will attempt to install the language in Linux and kick the tires for a while. If I continuously stumble into insurmountable barriers, the experiment will end.

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