On 2/10/16 11:51 PM, Matt Elkins wrote:

* The in keyword. This is nice syntactic sugar over having a special
trait in C++ which deduces whether to pass by value or const-reference.
"foo(in bar)" is way more readable than something like
"foo(traits<bar>::fast_param bar)"

Hm... in is short for scope const. It is not pass by reference. Perhaps you meant auto ref?

* @property. This little feature has been invaluable in porting my C++
code, letting me shave off tons of accessors and mutators that existed
only for the sake of possibly being needed in the future. I didn't even
need to use @property for this; its simple existence did the work for me!

Well, interestingly, D still allows property syntax without the @property notation. I'm in the habit now of never documenting accessors with @property. Mutators, I still would like to see D require @property to access that syntax.

Note that the only good reason to defensively add accessors and mutators for public fields is to keep a consistent binary API. In other words, if have a shared library. D is not quite there yet for shared library support, however.


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