On Tuesday, 9 February 2016 at 13:41:30 UTC, NX wrote:
There are several reasons I want to use D rather than C# / Go / something else:
- Interfacing with native API without jumping through hoops

Well, but the hoops are there to get safe and fast GC.

- Incredibly high abstraction and meta-programming possibilities with relatively easier syntax + semantics.

Not incredibly high level abstraction... But I get what you mean. It is fairly high level for a low level language.

- Having GC (but not a horribly slow one)

So you want this to be worked on (as D has a horribly slow one)?

- Not bound to a specific platform (unlike C#, easier to do cross-platform work in many cases)

Doesn't C# work just as well as D (or better) with most platforms?

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